Welcome to our study

Study: Examining Facial Emotion Recognition from a Narcissistic Perspective

You are being invited to participate in a research study. However, before deciding to take part, it is important to understand what the research involves and what it is about. Please take your time to read the following information before making a decision.

What is the purpose of the study? 

This study will test whether certain personality traits influence one’s ability to recognise them. It is crucial to further understand and explore the relationship between personality traits and facial emotion recognition as it impacts individuals’ social interactions and the relationships they form.

Why have I been invited to take part?

We are inviting individuals aged 16+.

What will happen if I take part?

You will follow a link to a safe and secure website. Here you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You will be asked demographics questions, including your age, sex, and ethnicity. Then you will be presented questions regarding narcissistic traits. Next you will be asked questions about your level of empathy. Then you will complete a facial emotion recognition test. When you have completed the questionnaire, a debrief sheet will re-state the aims of the research. This sheet will also provide useful contact information should you require further information or advice.

Are there any risks in taking part?

We believe there are no anticipated risks to participating in this study. Though, some individuals may find some questions distressing and discomforting. At any time if you feel any discomfort, you can close the study. However, responses to questions up to this point will be used.

What are the benefits of taking part?

You might find this research interesting, and it could contribute to enhancing the available interventions.

Will my participation be kept confidential, and what will happen to the results?

All information collected will be used in a postgraduate research study and will be kept anonymous.

Further information on how your data will be used can be found in the table below

How will my data be collected?

Through the online survey platform alittlelab.

How will my data be stored? 

On the University of Bath’s password- protected secure drives 

How long will my data be stored for?

For 10 years in accordance with the University’s data archiving procedures.

What measures are in place to protect the security and confidentiality of my data?

Data is anonymised, password protected and stored on secure drives 

Will my data be anonymised?

Yes, no personal identifiable data will be collected, and your responses will not be linked to you in any way.

How will my data be used?

Your data will be used for psychological research by a postgraduate student psychologists. 

Who will have access to my data?

The research team and the research supervisor.

Will my data be archived for use in other research projects in the future?

Yes, but only for the original research team and only for 10 years, according to the University’s data archiving procedures.

How will my data be destroyed?

All data will be deleted from storage in accordance with the University’s data archiving procedures.

What will happen if I no longer want to take part?

You are able to withdraw from the online questionnaire at any point, without explanation. This can be done by closing the survey within the window or browser tab. However, responses to questions completed up until this point will be used.

What if I am unhappy, or there is a problem?

If at any point you are unhappy, or if there is a problem, you can contact the research team (contact details below). If you remain unhappy, or do not want to come to us with a complaint, you can contact the Research Ethics and Integrity Office instead on ethics@bath.

University of Bath privacy notice

The University of Bath privacy notice can be found here: https://www.bath.ac.uk/corporate-information/university-of-bath-privacy-notice-for-research-participants/.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

Name of Researcher: Imogen Sharpe

Contact details of Researcher: is848@bath.ac.uk

Name of Supervisor / Co-investigator: Anthony Little  

Contact details of Supervisor / Co-investigator: al926@bath.ac.uk


This form is to confirm that you understand the purpose of the research study and that you agree to take part. Please read through the following points, before confirming your agreement to participate. Please do not hesitate to contact the research team if you have any questions or if anything is unclear.

Please select all the boxes below to show that you have read and understood the following statements. By checking the boxes and pressing "Continue" below to proceed, you are providing informed consent to take part in the experiment. If you do not consent to participate, please exit the study by closing the browser window.

I confirm that I have read and understand the subject information provided for this study and that I have received enough information about the study to make a decision about participation.

I confirm that I been given contact details to be able to ask any questions, and if I asked questions they have been adequately answered.    

I understand that the data collected in this study is anonymised and will be used in a postgraduate research project.

  I understand my data will be held securely, treated confidentially and who has access to it.

I understand my participation is voluntary and I am allowed to withdraw at any point, through closing the survey within the window or browser tab.  

  I agree to participate in this study.

If you have any concerns related to your participation in this study please direct them to the Bath HSS Research Ethics Committee, email: HSS-ethics@bath.ac.uk.

Click below to begin the experiment.

