Leadership and Voice
This study investigates your preferences for voices of
leaders in
different leadership contexts.
Before deciding whether you would like to participate
in this study, please read the following information.
You are eligible to participate if you are over 16.
Taking part in this research is entirely voluntary.
What does the study involve?
The study involves a demographic section, where you
will be asked questions including your age, gender, and ethnicity. Then, you
will be asked to complete a questionnaire about your attitudes.
Finally, you will be asked to indicate your preference for a series of
voices in different leadership contexts by rating them for leadership
ability. After
completing the survey, you will be informed in more detail about the aims
and hypotheses of the study.
How long will the study take?
The study will take under 10-15 minutes to complete but
there is no time limit for completion.
Will my information be kept confidential?
All information you provide will be kept
anonymous. The data will solely be used as part of a research project and
will not be shared with anyone except the researchers and project
supervisor. No identifying information will be asked from you. You can
choose to withdraw from the study at any time without any negative
consequences by closing your browser. Your data will be retained for each
section of the study you complete if you select “continue” on the page or
complete the face ratings.
Are there any risks associated with taking part?
No. There are no identified risks with taking part in
this study.
If you have any questions regarding the study,
please contact:
Anthony Little (A.little@bath.ac.uk)
Your participation is greatly
Please select all the boxes below to show that you have read and understood the following statements. By checking the boxes and pressing "Continue" below to proceed, you are providing informed consent to take part in the experiment. If you do not consent to participate, please exit the study by closing the browser window.
I confirm that I have received enough information about the study to make
a decision about participation.
I confirm that I been given contact details to be able to ask any questions, and
if I asked questions they have been adequately answered.
I understand that I am free to withdraw from this study at any time, without
giving a reason.
I understand that the data I provide is anonymous and there will be no
identifying information stored about me.
I understand that this research is designed to promote scientific knowledge and
the University of Bath will use the data I provide for no purpose other than
If you have any concerns related to your participation in this study please direct them to the Department of Psychology Research Ethics Committee, email: psychology-ethics@bath.ac.uk.
Click below to begin the study.