Leadership in Women
Before you decide whether you would like to
take part, please read the following information carefully.
You are eligible to participate if you are
over the age of 16, however, your participation is entirely voluntary.
If you choose to take part, you will be asked to provide consent on the next
About this questionnaire
This questionnaire is part of a 3rd year Psychology dissertation
project at the University of Bath, investigating factors that can affect
people s perceptions of the competence of female candidates.
What does the study involve?
The study involves a demographic section, in which you will be asked
information about your age, gender and nationality. You will then be
presented with a scenario and will be presented with a series of faces and
asked to rate how competent you feel the person is for a particular job and
how likely you would be to hire them. It should take around 10 to 15
minutes to complete but there is no time limit for completion.
After you complete the survey, you will be informed in more detail about the
specific aims and hypotheses of this study and will have the chance to ask
further questions by contacting the researcher.
Will my information be kept confidential?
The information you provide in this study is anonymous. No identifying
information will be asked of you, but if you believe any information will
make you identifiable you can choose not to answer. The data will solely be
used as part of a dissertation project and will not be shared with anyone
except the researcher and project supervisor.
As the information you provide in this study is
anonymous, it will not be possible to withdraw your data upon completion of
the study. However, you can choose to end your participation and withdraw
your data at any time during the study, with no negative consequences, by
closing your browser.
Are there any risks associated with taking
part in this study?
There are no identified risks in
taking part in this research.
If you have any questions or concerns
about the study, please contact either:
Project researcher: Project supervisor:
Katie Townsend Anthony Little
Email: krt24@bath.ac.uk Email: A.little@bath.ac.uk
Please select all the boxes below to show that you have read and understood the following statements. By checking the boxes and pressing "Continue" below to proceed, you are providing informed consent to take part in the experiment. If you do not consent to participate, please exit the study by closing the browser window.
I confirm that I have read and understand the subject information provided for this study.
I understand that my participation in this research is entirely voluntary and I understand that I have the right to withdraw from the study at any point, without having to give a reason.
I understand and acknowledge that the investigation is designed to promote scientific knowledge and that the University of Bath will use the data I provide for no purpose other than research.
I understand that the data I provide will be kept confidential. My name and other identifying information will not be disclosed in any presentation or publication of the research.
If you have any concerns related to your participation in this study please direct them to the Department of Psychology Research Ethics Committee, email: psychology-ethics@bath.ac.uk.
Click below to begin the experiment.